awards for the first 3 perfume projects
Essentia Beauty offers: 2000€ for the 1st project, 1000€ for the 2nd project and 500€ for the third project
Closed on 15.02.2018
Inventa un nuovo concept profumo per Essentia Beauty
Essentia Beauty invites you to design the brand new perfume concept
The purpose of this contest is to put forward an innovative packaging or even a brand new concept.
Unleash your creativity and your fantasy, send us the most amazing project, and be the next winner!
The innovation can concern the primary packaging or the concept of the product: new applicators, new ways of use or functionality, not only liquid but also solid, gel ... your task is to unleash your imagination!
The only limit is linked to the feasibility of production / realization
The goal is to propose a new packaging or concept.
You have until January 22nd to upload your project
Read the brief and the Terms & Conditions carefully in the brief section.
Below a small summary:
• creation of an innovative fragrance
The Innovation can concern the Primary packaging or the concept of the product: new applicators, new modes of use or functionality, not only liquid but also solid, gel .....
• The possibility of customizing the product will be considered as an added value
• The project must combine aesthetics, functionality and feasibility
• Target of the concept: girl 14-30 years
• JPEG or PNG usable format
• Dossier: description of the project max 280 characters
• Graphical elaborations: maximum 3 of a unit weight not exceeding 2MB each with the name of the project
Winner selection process:
• Pre-selection of the Allmazing team and jury of the 6 best compliant projects
• Selection of the 3 most voted projects by followers and possible repechage of 1 project by Allmazing
• Selection of the 3 winners from the expert jury and from the Brand
• Prizes to be won: on the first project: € 2000 / on the second project € 1000 / on the third project € 500
• December 22 opening contest
• 22nd January 18th at midnight closing contest
• 23 - 28 January selection of the 6 best compliant projects by the jury and Allmazing team and publication on the site
• 29th January - 11th February voting for followers after registering on the site
• 12-15 February check and validation of votes plus possible repechage of 1 project by the jury
• 16 February communication of the winning projects
• By March 15, 2018 awarding of prizes
Essentia Beauty offers: 2000€ for the 1st project, 1000€ for the 2nd project and 500€ for the third project